Sunday, March 11, 2012

African warthog

African warthog - the kind of family unit cloven-hoofed pigs, living in large parts of Africa.

 Warthog got its name from the large cutaneous warts on the face. They are located under the eyes, behind the eyes, between the corners of the mouth and eyes and on the side of the mandible. The old males warts grow strongly and take the form of elongated cones. Canines are also very large, especially in males. Stubble monochrome gray, sparse on the body and most of the long tail. On the back of the neck and mane is formed on the face - the whiskers, on the tail - the brush. In adult animals, a total of 16 teeth, as part of pre-indigenous and indigenous falls, and the rear molar tooth becomes very large and takes up most of the work of chewing food. Size large: body length 145-190 cm, height - 65 - 85 cm, weight - 50-150 kg. It forms a seven subspecies.
 Widely distributed in Africa south of Sahara. Warthog is not only in the tropical forests of West Africa and in the extreme south of the continent. It inhabits the Savannah, light scrub and woodland, avoiding dense forests. Where a lot of warthogs, they form herds of up to 100 or more animals on 1,000 hectares. Live in groups consisting of 1-3 females with piglets. In the largest herds numbered up to 17-18 individuals. Adult males live alone, sometimes forming their flocks. Unlike other pigs, are active during the day and spend the night in burrows. Often use burrows aardvarks, only slightly extending them, but they can dig themselves. Adult males climb into the hole, walking backwards, the young brood of the climb, head first, and the female of the last climbs in the same way as the male head covering his broad input. Differ from other pigs warthogs feed and method of obtaining food. They feed on grass and when grazing, kneel (wrist). On lap they move during the grazing, and as an adaptation to this unusual movement in their wrists, develop large, thick calluses. There kolenopriklonennyh crawling warthogs often be seen early in the morning and evening.

African Bird-Rhino

  Hornbills refers to the bird family, belonging to the order of raksha-shaped. It consists of 57 species that live in Africa, the Indian and Pacific islands, the south and east Asia.Name of bird data comes from two words, and the horn of a bull, which form a "bull's horn." Lifestyles of all these birds are very similar and yet different.
 Their name, these birds were due to long beaks large, sharply bent down and at the base have significant growths that vary in form, which is not only in birds that are kind of current.
 The edges of the beak serrations are irregular in shape. Despite the fact that these beaks are large enough, their weight is small, because within them there are small spaces with air. While the purpose remains unknown outgrowths of these birds, but scientists think they may be used to support large beaks, to attract females or amplify the cries.
 These animals of Africa have dimensions of 0.3 m to 1.2 m Weight differs from 60 grams to 6 kg, respectively.
 To hold the head and large beak, birds, rhinos have a fairly strong neck muscles. The head is small enough they have in relation to the body, they have a long neck and tail, large and powerful wings, and legs at the same time quite short.
 During the flight of these birds make a loud noise characteristic of their wings, the vibrating sound which resembles the sound of a train is approaching. The sound is due to the spaces between the flight feathers. During the flight the air passes through the wings and creates a vibration.
 Color birds rhinos
 Most of these birds have white, black, brown or gray plumage.

African Lemur

Family LEMUROVYE lemurid family, or lemuroobraznyh prosimians, lemurs actually combines living in Madagascar and some smaller neighboring islands. In these animals, the thick hair with a variety of coloring, the tail long and bushy, often elongated snout like a fox, a group of tactile hairs 5.4 - whiskers, eyes large and rather close together. Limbs with good grasping opposable thumbs. In all his fingers - nails, just on the second toe of the foot - claw, which is called the dressing and is used for combing wool. On the median of the upper jaw the incisors are widely separated (diastema), the lower incisors with the teeth close together and strongly inclined forward, forming a "tooth comb". There is a lower tongue. Lemuridy are nocturnal, daytime and crepuscular lifestyle. There are wood, poludrevesnye and ground forms. The word "lemur" means "ghost," "the spirit of the deceased."
 The family Lemuridae is divided into two subfamilies: lemurovye, or the true lemurs, with the genera Lemur, Hapalemur and Lepilemur and mouse lemurs with childbirth Cheirogaleus, Microcebus and Phaner. In mouse lemurs navicular bone and the heel lengthened, as in African galago. Such a structure of the hind limb heel - an adaptation to the movement of jumps. The number of members of the family is declining dramatically. Many species in the Red Book.
 Lemurs are 5 common species: L. catta, L. variegatus, L. macaco, L. mongoz, L. rubriventer. Sometimes they are called in the literature of poppies. It's quite moving creatures in captivity they are fun and easily tamed. They are often found in zoological gardens, where the well-breed (from 1959 to 1963 in various zoos of the world was born 78 lemurs). The case when the black lemur has lived in London Zoo, more than 27 years. In captivity, lemurs get used to any meal, which takes just a mouth or forepaws and bring it to his mouth. Typically, maki - wood animals, but the cat lemur spends much time on the ground, on rocks of Southern Madagascar. Poppies are active at dusk and in the afternoon. Explicitly day - cat lemur, lemur, and boil krasnobryuhy lemur. They prefer large horizontal branches of trees, which deftly and quickly moved by controlling the tail as a balancer.