Sunday, March 11, 2012

African Bird-Rhino

  Hornbills refers to the bird family, belonging to the order of raksha-shaped. It consists of 57 species that live in Africa, the Indian and Pacific islands, the south and east Asia.Name of bird data comes from two words, and the horn of a bull, which form a "bull's horn." Lifestyles of all these birds are very similar and yet different.
 Their name, these birds were due to long beaks large, sharply bent down and at the base have significant growths that vary in form, which is not only in birds that are kind of current.
 The edges of the beak serrations are irregular in shape. Despite the fact that these beaks are large enough, their weight is small, because within them there are small spaces with air. While the purpose remains unknown outgrowths of these birds, but scientists think they may be used to support large beaks, to attract females or amplify the cries.
 These animals of Africa have dimensions of 0.3 m to 1.2 m Weight differs from 60 grams to 6 kg, respectively.
 To hold the head and large beak, birds, rhinos have a fairly strong neck muscles. The head is small enough they have in relation to the body, they have a long neck and tail, large and powerful wings, and legs at the same time quite short.
 During the flight of these birds make a loud noise characteristic of their wings, the vibrating sound which resembles the sound of a train is approaching. The sound is due to the spaces between the flight feathers. During the flight the air passes through the wings and creates a vibration.
 Color birds rhinos
 Most of these birds have white, black, brown or gray plumage.
On the upper eyelids with long lashes them, and around the eyes in some species of birds exposed skin is sometimes observed at. Individuals of the male molt during rain season. Females replace the wings and tail feathers when incubated eggs, and duration of shedding is quite long.
 On average, males are larger than females, the difference in weight between them is about 17%, 30% characterized the length of the beak, and by 21% - wingspan. In addition, a large number of species is a manifestation of sexual dimorphism in coloration. However, some species such as for example, mindanaosky wrinkled sea otter, are the differences between female and male, which is mainly visible in the colors of feathers, but otherwise the same as the black rhino birds - only in color and size of the beak.
 Habitat of birds rhinos
 These birds are common in tropical rain forests of Africa, Southeast Asia and the Arabian Peninsula, the islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Nesting birds in natural cavities. They always live in the tall, dense forests and most of their time in trees.Different types of occupied different ecological niches, so they can live on common areas.
 Hornbills are both noisy and secretive birds. They are rarely found in areas that cultivated people, they are preferred by virgin forests. Quite often, a small species of fly in flocks, consisting of 10-20 birds, especially during the winter, and species that are larger in most fly in pairs. The flight of birds - a very high (much higher than the height of the highest trees) with necks that stretched forward and tilted slightly downward. During the flight, they flap their wings often enough.

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