Tuesday, February 7, 2012

African Rhinos

 In Africa, there are two types of rhinos in black and white. Black rhinos have suffered the sharpest decline in the last 20 years. Black rhinos in the wild, there are only about 4000, though the heroic efforts being made to increase their numbers. White rhinos more than blacks, about 17,000, but almost all of them are concentrated in the South Afrike.A actually rhinos in color or black and white or gray in color they are. Black rhinos tend to live by one, while the white, live in groups. Black rhinos live in the savanna where a lot of shrubs and tropical plants because they eat the leaves of shrubs and small trees shoots. White rhinos also live in the savannah, but they are herbivores. Rhinos can be distinguished on the lips, the lips black rhino tenacious designed to break off the leaves from the bushes. The White Rhinoceros also has a long, flat lips like livestock (eg cows), with which he can easily pull out the grass.
 Rhinos are one of the largest mammals on Earth (the second largest after the elephant). Adult white rhino can weigh up to 3 tons! Rhinos is really short-sighted, but at close range perfectly see. Unfortunately, rhinos, and not so much, and is associated with poaching.
Rhino horn is widely used for medicinal purposes to treat fever, and greatly prized in Asia. In 2010, the rhino horn was valued at $ 60,000 per kilogram. Each horn weighing approximately 6-8 kg, which is attracting poachers. If you can avoid poachers, the rhinos can live 30-50 years.

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