Friday, February 10, 2012

African Camel

Camel - a large mammal of the family of the order Artiodactyla suborder camelids mozolenogih a desert habitat, which is divisible into two types: Bactrian (or two-humped camel) and Dromedar (dromedary). Camels and that, and other types of more than 5000 years are domesticated and are used primarily as pack and draft animals.
 In the mountains and areas with a humid climate camels can not exist. In the process of evolution in camels developed a number of adaptations to the conditions of the deserts and dry steppes. Camels feed on such plants of the desert, which are poorly or not at all drugumi eat animals; content with less water and can drink salt water. In contrast to other ruminants, camels are in the upper jaw two incisors.
Parts of the body camel in contact with the ground while lying down, are provided with horny formations, camels have a chest, wrist, elbow calluses and laptop. Thanks to the camels are able to go on a hot (70 ° C) soil. Both legs of each foot, camel small quantities. Camels are based on a broad soft paw, making it easier to walk on the sand.
 Weight of an adult animal ranges 500-800 kg, life expectancy - from 30 to 50 years.
 Camels live in Central Asia. There are also from Asia Minor to Manchuria. Dromedary can be found in North Africa, where they are common as pets, as well as the Middle East up to India.

 A camel can go without food for about a month. This is facilitated by the very fat on the back of the animal, which we used to call the humps.
 Camels are good swimmers. This is true despite the fact that most of them have never faced a large water bodies.
 Camels live in harems. In groups of 15 individuals of several females and their offspring usually have a male. Sometimes you can find animals that lead a solitary lifestyle.
 Camel - herbivore. Its multi-chamber stomach can digest almost any plant food, including barbed and salt.
Bactrian camels are different from odnogorbyh. Bactrians have shorter legs, and the camel - massive. Perhaps that is why dromedary more frisky - 11 hours they are able to cover a distance of 200 kilometers.
 A camel can tolerate the heat of the desert thanks to their humps. Oddly enough, but the camel humps are not suitable for storage of moisture. From the heat of the day (and night from the cold), a camel thick fur protects it, and 8-degree fluctuations in body temperature, which reduces the risk of overheating (including perspiration), and hypothermia. When released from his nostrils the breath the liquid does not leave the body, as collected in a special fold, and then comes back through the mouth into the body of the animal. Important for the transfer of a dry climate and the fact that the camel get to the water, thanks to a special oval shape of their red blood cells, is able to drink from 60 to 100 liters of water over a relatively short period of time (not for nothing that they say: "What do you drink like a camel?") . It is worth noting that a camel in terms of water consumption by an animal unpretentious - he can drink like a clean and stagnant or salt water. Well, finally the camel feces from extended nephrons in the kidneys obtained highly concentrated, and therefore, less wet.
 The camel is very hardy. One day he may be transferred to a 200 to 300 kilograms a distance of 50 kilometers or more.
 Camel's milk is very useful. It contains lots of essential body substances (iron, calcium, magnesium, etc.), a high concentration of vitamins C and D, but casein, dairy products impedes the absorption of the body, much less familiar to us than cow's milk. By drinking camel's milk must be remembered that because of their special properties, it can not immediately be absorbed by the body unaccustomed to it.
 Camels differ vindictiveness. They are quite tricky and unforgiving. In Saudi Arabia, for example, there were cases when the camels took revenge for the wronged person named members of his flock. The nature of the camel at all bad enough: make him do something against their will - get furious, bites, kicks, roaring beast.

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