Saturday, February 11, 2012

African King Cobra

 King Cobra is the most aggressive of all the cobras. But most likely due to the aggressiveness of concern for their future offspring, it was during the incubation of eggs, king cobra pounce on anyone who was not careful to pass her nest. This is a beautiful snake, and it is not easy to find. Top of the king cobra yellow-olive, with a pattern of black rings and diffuse staining. The bottom of the snake light. The length of an adult can reach 5 meters, but most of their "growth" is 3 - 4 meters. King cobra sheds 4 to 6 times a year. It sheds its old skin as it grows, and grows Cobra all my life, about 30 cm per year. Finding a hard surface, squirming snake and izvorachivayas, throws off the old one. Her skin is dry and tough, covered with rather large scales. In the attack, or defense, king cobra raises the front part of the body and extends the neck, spreading to the neck of the rib. This is the hood of a cobra, decorated with a pattern resembling spectacles. King Cobra hisses, warning: I may bite. Her sharp and dangerous teeth are in front of the mouth. She singles out the poison when biting, by clicking on a poisonous gland, hidden in the muscles. But generally, king cobra crawls from person to avoid contact with him. Live the king cobra in the tropical forests of South and Southeast Asia. They hide in the tall grass, the fallen trees and among stones. Often, a cobra can be found near the pond. King cobras are good swimmers, expertly and deftly climb the trees. They feed on rodents and other snakes. This is a smart and thrifty animals.
 During mating season, males attract females with a smell.
Sensing it, the male crawls to her. If there are two out in paragraph boyfriend is a fight. That they do not bite each other. The winning male starts courting her cautiously. The fact that the female can eat admirer, and vice versa, he can eat it. Trusting each other, they are woven into the ring. A month later, the female delay of 20 to 40 eggs in a cozy nest of high grass and leaves, which will build in advance. It falls around her precious treasure, and the male guards the temporal distance family.
 Shortly before the birth of young cobras, the female leaves the nest, so as not to eat their own children. The incubation period lasts 100 days, so many days it was all the time in the nest and did not eat anything. Born babies from the eggs of the king cobra on their own. They are able to provide the poison and protected, but are too small, so vulnerable. Few people survive from small cobras. In the wild king cobra live 25 - 30 years.

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