Saturday, February 11, 2012

African Egg Snake

 AFRICAN SNAKE EGG, the only kind of sort of the same name of this subfamily of snakes, is characterized by a peculiar way of food, left a deep imprint on the entire organization of the non-poisonous snakes. Paint the egg snake modest: the upper side of the body sandy-yellow or brown, one-color or pattern of longitudinal dark stripes or spots, sometimes coalescing into a zigzag or a rhombic strip along the ridge. A small head is slightly separated from the neck, face convex, rounded in front. The eyes are large, with vertically elliptical pupils. Scales of the body are oblique rows and have pronounced ridges. The body length of 75-80 African snake egg see these snakes are common in the South and Equatorial Africa, penetrating as far north as the Sahara and the southwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula.
 African egg snake eats birds eggs. Their weak teeth are not designed for grasping and holding prey. But the mouth is stretched, which makes it possible to swallow the size of a hen's egg, although the snake size does not exceed the length of 80 cm With the passage of a large egg scales on the throat apart, revealing an elastic skin. The lower spinous processes of the anterior vertebral body (gipapofizy) are directed forward, and so long that pierce the wall of the esophagus and the upper ends of the face in its lumen. These processes constitute the so-called 'egg saw "- a special apparatus for the destruction of the egg shell. The liquid contents of the eggs cut easily slips through the back, the narrowed portion of the esophagus to the stomach, a broken shell of a lump is ejected through the mouth. This is another difference from other snake egg yaytseyadnyh reptiles, which are either passed through the shell of unpalatable digestive tract, or it is dissolved by gastric juice. In some periods, the eggs of birds are rare, so the snake egg accumulate fat in the months when the egg is enough in nature, and slowly consume it in times of famine.
To scare away enemies egg snakes emit a peculiar vibrating sound, which they reproduce the friction ridged scales, curled up eight.

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