Saturday, February 11, 2012

African Hyena

 SsistematikaSemeystvo Cape hunting has in its composition of all four species (spotted hyena Crocuta, two types of striped hyenas Hyaena and aardwolf Proteles). Cape hunting for the first time appear in the Miocene (about 20 million years ago) in Africa. They subsequently spread to South-West Asia to India, and live only in Asia, striped hyena, and aardwolf and spotted hyenas and have stayed within their Miocene rodiny.Po appearance Cape hunting like wolves, and his memorable silhouette, probably selektsilnerov ssozdanie inspired by a very popular breed of dog. However, with the wolf hyenas are more distantly related than with cat. They belong to the group "feloidnyh" (ie close to the cat) of prey, which are closest to the Mongoose! How byloEsli try to trace the evolution of prey, it turns out that the trunk feloidny prey initially divided into two parts: the civet cat with one hand and Cape hunting with the Mongoose - on the other. Cape hunting can be divided into two lines of specialization: the actual hyenas - carrion-known and a good hunter, and an earthen Wolf - Rain of insects and other small bespozvonochnyh.Rod zanyatiySobstvenno hyenas are known for their ability to divide and devour large bones - they are primarily scavengers, though (especially spotty) may prey. Hyenas are so completely digest the food that their droppings contain almost no organic matter. They play an important role of the "waste heat" of the bone material of dead animals, being almost the only of its customers. In any case, among the wolves mlekopitayuschih.U ground rather peculiar dentition: the teeth are fairly simple, in the form of small pins, sitting in the jaws are very rare, which is associated with a specialization in feeding the beast small invertebrates, primarily termites and insect larvae, which he digs from the earth.
The appearance and behavior zhizniVes hyenas ranged from 10 to 82 kg, with a minimum earth wolf, with the maximum spotted hyena. The front part of the body is more powerful than the back. Coat coarse, shaggy, on a ridge in the form of a long standing manes (especially in an earthen Wolf). Have hyenas have anal glands that produce sharp-smelling sekret.Perednie hind limbs longer. In these hyenas on both pairs of legs on the four fingers, the earth a wolf on the front of their 5. On this basis, reflecting the adaptation to running, ahead of the Cape hunting canids, such as Cape hunting dogs are only there for 4 fingers on all four limbs, while in other canids - 5, as the earth itself volka.U hyena skull with an extremely powerful jaws, cheek arcs, ridges, and very large teeth in the amount of 28-34.Kogti long, but blunt, easy to dig. All the hyena burrows (with a special passion - earth wolf). Live singly or in groups, which are sometimes combined into larger ones - the clans. The latter is most characteristic of spotted hyenas, which are often satisfied with the collective hunt "Gon" ungulates, showing a tireless pursuer. Spotted hyenas are well known for their cries, like hyenas plach.Razmnozhayutsya usually once a year. Gestation lasts 90-110 days, the number of pups 2-4 (wolf from earth up to 6). Life in captivity up to 25 let.V Asia fat hyena is considered curative. The most bizarre creation of all hyenas are, of course, spotted hyenas. About them go ahead and rech.Gieny chelovekEsli and is now accepted that spotted hyenas play an important role in the ecosystem of the African savannah, then before them, at best, considered a dirty, useless animals, and even "pest of agriculture." Different African tribes thought hyenas associated with evil spirits. In Muslim countries, even the custom to punish impure indicative of hyenas, suspecting all sorts grehah.Pyatnistye hyenas answered by the same person. These intelligent animals, of course, avoid encounters with older hunters. However, they often wander near the villages, attracted by garbage, and there were times when hyenas attacked the children. Spotted hyenas are often attacked in unprotected home-pregnant cows, choosing the time of the testimony rodov.Po famous hunter of the past, John Hunter, hyena and attacked sleeping people. He described the meeting with the hunter, hyena disfigured. This young African man once fell asleep on a halt, turned around, according to local custom, the head of the fire. He was lightly covered with a blanket and other clothing he was not. So, at night the hyena ran to him and bit off the scrotum and ran away. Where they live and what pitayutsyaEsli seems possible, then spotted hyenas prefer to hunt wildebeest. Usually hyenas engaged in this business at night, but if they can, and in broad daylight attack otbivsheesya from the pack or weak animals. Every year they kill from 10 to 12 percent of the population of wildebeest in the Serengetti, thus maintaining the density of the most numerous herbivore at a reasonable level. In February and March (in the plains of the same Serengetti) prefer to attack the newly born, young wildebeest. Some calves are constantly behind the moving herd and become easy prey for the hyenas. Others fight off hyenas after a clever maneuver. Using the same maneuvers spotted hyenas hunt buffalo calves. The fastest and most powerful hyenas prey on zebras, which are much harder to combat than antilop.V Sprint snatch brown hyena can reach speeds of 50 to 65 kilometers per hour and is able to maintain it at a distance of 3 to 5 kilometers. Thus, to catch their prey, hyenas have to put a lot of effort, but despite this, the animal is caught up, she immediately breaks it into pieces. This differs from the lions or hyena cheetah, which, before quench your appetite, take a little rest after the race ... However, another possible explanation for this behavior of hyenas-hunters, which is to be found in a very tense social relations within the clan: not had time to eat their prey at risk to leave it stronger brother or a representative of another kind.

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